
三维模型展UV软件 RizomUV RS + VS 2024.0.160 Win/Mac破解版下载


Rizom Lab发布了UV贴图工具Unfold3d最新版本RizomUV Real Space & Virtual Space 2023现在称为RizomUV,是目前CG软件中比较优秀的展UV软件,凭借其爆破性快速UV展开功能而闻名,新版本更新添加了新的Photoshop样式功能,用于对齐和分布UV岛,自动保存系统以及对选择和纹理像素密度管理工作流程的改进。

Today, following the path towards an ideal tool set capable of segmenting, flattening and packing UVs without any manual intervention, Rizom-Lab focuses on enhancing our technology, and making it available to 3D artists and product designers within our new standalones applications RizomUV Virtual Spaces and RizomUV Real Space, and in a form that can be integrated into others 3D editing softwares or pipelines within our RizomUV C++ Library.

三维模型展UV软件 RizomUV RS + VS 2024.0.160 Win/Mac破解版下载


2024.0.156 Win点击下载
2024.0.152 Win点击下载
2024.0.147 Win点击下载
2024.0.129 Win点击下载
2024.0.77 Win点击下载
2024.0.58 Win点击下载
2023.0.71 Win点击下载
2023.0.70 Win点击下载
2023.0.56 Win/Mac点击下载
三维模型展UV软件 RizomUV RS + VS 2024.0.160 Win/Mac破解版下载
  • 提示:Win是2024,Mac是2023
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