
48组动感电影预告片鼓点脉冲音效素材 Cinetools Extremum


Cinetools 的 “Extremum” 是一个充满动感的音效库,包含高端的预告片配乐和身临其境的音效,非常适合于任何以动作为主题的惊悚项目。从充满肾上腺素的旋律到巨大的电影鼓声,从不寻常的旋律到催眠般的音效,从推动脉冲到史诗般的声音,还有更多声音将这些感觉带到了新的高度。这个库将不遗余力地提供完整的音效内容!

‘Extremum’ by Cinetools is action-packed featuring high-end Trailer cues and immersive sound effects perfect for any kind of action-themed Thriller project. From adrenaline-fueled melodies to huge Cinematic drums, unusual melodies to hypnotic FX, driving pulses to epic pings and there are a few more sounds that bring these feelings to new heights. This library will leave no stone unturned!

48组动感电影预告片鼓点脉冲音效素材 Cinetools Extremum
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