
创意二维卡通角色绘制PS教程 Motion Design School – 2D Character Design Magician


这是PS创意二维卡通角色绘制设计教程,介绍如何使用Adobe Photoshop中前期动画人物概念设计,包括线稿的绘画、色彩原理和使用等。

We will start since the client briefing and we will guide you through every step, since you start looking for references, building a mood board that will inspire you to face the project and start with the first rough sketches, the style research based on cartoon basics and finding and doing the final art style that will define the whole project. We also will refresh a bit of basic drawing and color theory, taking references from very known characters of the animation world.

创意二维卡通角色绘制PS教程 Motion Design School – 2D Character Design Magician
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