BAO Mask Brush插件在 After Effects 中使用自定义画笔在3D 空间中使用运动模糊 、挤压和拉伸来遮罩路径!每个画笔计算运动模糊,包括 maskPath 和参数动画。在 2D 和 3D 模式之间切换。3D 响应相机并具有每个顶点的 3D 控制。
Apply custom brushes to mask paths in After Effects, in 3D space, with Motion Blur and Squash and Stretch!Motion blur is computed per brush, including maskPath and parameters animation.Switch between 2D and 3D modes. 3D responds to cameras and has per vertex 3D control.
Mask Brush:沿着maskPath对齐笔刷和创建动态喷漆和惊人的形状动画。
Mask Brush Fill:填充maskPath画笔,创造惊人的动态效果模式。
支持Win/Mac版:After Effects 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018
v1.9.17 | 点击下载 |